EQAO Student Engagement Committee
Student Engagement Committee Members, 2024–2025

Fatimah, Grade 8
“I am thrilled to be a first-time EQAO student committee member because it gives me a platform to make my voice and my peers’ voices heard, and have our opinions considered. This also gives me an opportunity to learn from and collaborate with fellow members. Furthermore, representing my region is extremely important to me, and it must be one of the most exciting parts of being a member! Most of all, I would like to help make test taking less stressful for all students.”

Grasen, Grade 8
“I love being a part of this committee and speaking for students. Being a member of a committee that can give us a voice is fantastic. Over the past few years, I have worked to improve the education system as a student, and being able to do it with an agency as large as EQAO is fantastic. Furthermore, I plan on doing so much more on the EQAO Student Engagement Committee in the coming months.”

Shiara, Grade 8
“I am ecstatic to be part of the EQAO Student Engagement Committee and to represent students. I want to help solve any issues students face during EQAO assessments and make the process as stress-free as possible. I hope that students from diverse cultural backgrounds can be represented in EQAO assessments to create even more engaging questions. Also, I am thrilled to have the chance to work with so many students across Ontario and to hear their perspectives. I hope students in the future will not have to stress during EQAO assessments and will have their voices heard on issues that directly involve them.”

Sophia, Grade 9
“I am thrilled to be returning to the EQAO Student Engagement Committee to share my voice and opinion on behalf of students throughout Ontario. I am looking forward to giving my feedback so that the EQAO process can be as simple and stress-free as possible for everyone taking the assessments in future years.”

Surya, Grade 8
“I am elated to rejoin the EQAO committee, as this is an excellent opportunity for me to represent my peers and share my ideas on future EQAO assessments. I also wish to learn about the academic experiences of my peers and other students. I look forward to exchanging ideas with my fellow committee members.”

Miley, Grade 11
“I am so excited about the incredible opportunity to continue being a part of EQAO’s Student Engagement Committee, collaborating with numerous students from different regions and backgrounds to learn and share new perspectives. I look forward to working together to create a better testing experience for all students!”
East Region

Édith, Grade 11
“I am delighted to have been selected as a member of the EQAO Student Engagement Committee, an opportunity that will allow me to represent my peers at the provincial level and to meet passionate and enthusiastic students, in the context of improving the tests proposed by EQAO. I hope to be able to actively contribute to the discussions during the school year. I’m particularly looking forward to sharing my ideas and collaborating with other students to make our collective voice heard and positively influence education in Ontario.”

Ève, Grade 7
“I’m proud to participate in the EQAO Student Engagement Committee because I feel I can make a difference. It’s a unique opportunity to put forward the students’ perspective by sharing my ideas. It is an extraordinary experience related to the academic environment, unlike anything we do in school!”

Hussein, Grade 10
“I am honoured to join the EQAO Student Engagement Committee, as it presents an exciting opportunity for me to make an impact on the education system. I look forward to hearing from diverse perspectives and voices of students from diverse backgrounds, ensuring everyone’s voices are represented and no one’s voice is left unheard. My commitment is to listen attentively and elevate these comments and concerns to the provincial level, advancing for an overall more inclusive and equitable education system for Ontario.”

Nathan, Grade 7
“I am excited to do something good for the education system while connecting with other students as a member of the EQAO Student Engagement Committee. I am also thrilled to work with and hear the perspectives of many students on this committee across Ontario. I am looking forward to sharing my ideas and helping the EQAO testing system.”

Neeral, Grade 9
“I am excited to be a part of this committee, so I can learn something from others. Another reason I would like to be a part is so I can help others who need help.”

Zirou, Grade 12
“I am excited to be part of the committee because it provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with passionate and diverse individuals dedicated to making a positive impact in the community. I look forward to contributing my thoughts and opinions to help achieve our collective goals. Additionally, I am eager to learn from the experiences and perspectives of other committee members, which will undoubtedly enhance our initiatives. Together, we can drive meaningful change and help the students in our communities.”
NorthWest Region

Frankie, Grade 7
“I really like to work with others and think critically about ideas and topics. I’m excited to meet new people, and since I come from a neurodivergent family, I look forward to bringing this perspective to the group.”

Katie, Grade 8
“I am very excited to be part of the EQAO Student Engagement Committee because I get to share my ideas and suggestions to be able to help other kids my age, younger and older with their education.”

Sophia T., Grade 12
“I am super happy to be a part of the committee because I am excited to have the opportunity to help in changing EQAO assessments to make them more enjoyable for others. Also, I am incredibly grateful to get to share the opinions and suggestions from my fellow students and friends. They are constantly telling me what they think of it, and now I can put forth that information to better EQAO. Overall, I am ready to take on the challenge of making EQAO even better.”
Toronto Region

Bhairavi, Grade 7
“I am excited to be part of the EQAO committee, as I would like to value students’ opinions and motivate them to do their best on the EQAO assessments. I am ready to make a positive impact on the committee and would love to work with other members.”

Jena, Grade 7
“I’m looking forward to being part of the EQAO Student Engagement Committee, so I can share my ideas and learn from others. Our voices must be heard, especially within the education system. I’ve never been involved in a committee like this before, so I’m excited about the opportunity.”

Mehul, Grade 12
“I am excited to be part of the EQAO Student Engagement Committee because it allows me to contribute to meaningful educational initiatives and support student success across Ontario. I look forward to sharing my insights and collaborating with other passionate students to help shape Je suis ravi de faire partie du Comité d’engagement des élèves de l’OQRE, car cela me permet de contribuer à des initiatives éducatives significatives et de soutenir la réussite des élèves dans tout l’Ontario. J’ai hâte de partager mes idées et de collaborer avec Toronto equitable and effective assessment policies. Being part of this committee will enable me to develop my leadership skills while making a positive impact on the education system.”

Nayan, Grade 10
“I am excited to be part of the committee because it provides an opportunity to contribute to meaningful improvements in our education. Our education is our future, and I look forward to bringing ideas and working as a team to enhance the quality of our system. My goal is to ensure that I can accurately represent students and the struggles they are facing or the changes they wish to see. I am excited to work with and meet such a dedicated team to collectively help our community.”

Xinyu, Grade 10
“It is my honour to be a part of the EQAO Student Engagement Committee. First, I look forward to sharing my perspectives on assessments and the educational system, and I am committed to being fair and open-minded toward diverse viewpoints. Furthermore, I am excited to collaborate with my fellow members.”
West Region

Alexandra, Grade 10
“I am excited to be coming back to the EQAO Student Engagement Committee (ESEC) for my second year because I love the atmosphere it brings. I am surrounded by peers with the same motivations as me, and I always feel inspired to make a change in our community. ESEC is a wonderful way to learn about what is going on across Ontario and how it will impact students like me. This year, I look forward to contributing any innovative ideas I have, a positive mindset and my feedback to any suggestions there are on improving the EQAO assessments.”

Juan, Grade 11
“I am excited to be part of the EQAO Student Engagement Committee for one more year, representing the Niagara region. This year, I look forward to committing my efforts to making the voice of the student heard. I am grateful to be able to use my skills to aid in a positive change. I am excited to collaborate with a group of diverse like-minded students on this committee.”

Leo, Grade 9
“I am looking forward to hearing about other people’s experiences and sharing my own experience to create a more inclusive assessment.”

Liam, Grade 12
“I am thrilled to be returning to the EQAO Student Engagement Committee for one final year of service. Over the last few years, I have worked with many students and EQAO staff to digitalize all EQAO assessments, making them more accessible and inclusive for all students in the process. I believe that it is extremely valuable for students like me to provide feedback and offer suggestions on behalf of my peers, and I am very grateful for my time on the committee.”

Madeline, Grade 12
“I am thrilled to be part of the committee and eager to bring my unique perspective and ideas to enhance EQAO assessments in Ontario. Having experienced these assessments myself, I look forward to collaborating with fellow students to voice our collective insights and suggestions. My aim is to engage actively in the committee’s discussions, representing the perspective of my school community and fostering innovation and positive change in EQAO’s programs and activities.”

Mariana, Grade 10
“I am thrilled to join the EQAO Student Engagement Committee! I look forward to working with like-minded students across Ontario and making an impact on student evaluations with positive and innovative approaches. As a student myself, I would like to make this impact through fostering student discussions and engagement, including more diversity and improving the committee with several new student perspectives.”

Niharika, Grade 11
“I am excited to be a part of the committee to contribute a unique perspective and learn more about the process. Coming from a background of educators, I recognize the importance of education and the importance of improving it as much as possible. I look forward to being a part of the improvement. I am also grateful I will get to learn about and listen to all the other perspectives and ideas being offered!”

Sydney, Grade 9
“I am looking forward to being a part of this committee because I feel it really helps my voice be heard. I am also able to learn so much more on diverse subjects, and hearing other people’s opinions can help me learn to be more open-minded. In conclusion, I can’t wait to start a new year with the EQAO Student Engagement Committee and help it soar to new heights.”
More to Explore

Video: You Got This!
Alexandra, EQAO Student Engagement Committee member
This video features Alexandra, 2023–2024 EQAO Student Engagement Committee member, giving words of encouragement and advice to other students taking the tests.

Video: You Got This!
Hadsan, EQAO Student Engagement Committee member
This video features Hadsan, 2023–2024 EQAO Student Engagement Committee member, giving words of encouragement and advice to other students taking the tests.

Video: You Got This!
Lena, EQAO Student Engagement Committee member
This video features Lena, 2023–2024 EQAO Student Engagement Committee member, giving words of encouragement and advice to other students taking the tests.

Video: You Got This!
Shiara, EQAO Student Engagement Committee member
This video features Shiara, 2023–2024 EQAO Student Engagement Committee member, giving words of encouragement and advice to other students taking the tests.

Video: You Got This!
Shiara, EQAO Student Engagement Committee member
This video features Shiara, 2023–2024 EQAO Student Engagement Committee member, giving words of encouragement and advice to other students taking the tests.

Video: You Got This!
Sophia, EQAO Student Engagement Committee member
This video features Sophia, 2023–2024 EQAO Student Engagement Committee member, giving words of encouragement and advice to other students taking the tests.

Video: You Got This!
Sydney, EQAO Student Engagement Committee member
This video features Sydney, 2023–2024 EQAO Student Engagement Committee member, giving words of encouragement and advice to other students taking the tests.

Video: Student Voices
An Understanding Teacher
What engages students in school and learning? In 2018, EQAO asked 120 Ontario students to share their opinions and experiences concerning school and learning.

Video: Student Voices
A Caring School Climate
What engages students in school and learning? In 2018, EQAO asked 120 Ontario students to share their opinions and experiences concerning school and learning.

Video: Student Voices
Growing Needs for Independence, Flexibility and Choice
What engages students in school and learning? In 2018, EQAO asked 120 Ontario students to share their opinions and experiences concerning school and learning.