EQAO’s Personal Information (PI) Bank

Personal information banks (PIBs) provide descriptions of personal information that an institution maintains, including details about the type of information maintained, where it is located, how it is used, by whom it is used, the legal authority for its collection and how long it is retained.

EQAO collects personal information under the authority of the Education Quality and Accountability Office Act, 1996 (EQAO Act),clause 4(1) (b) and subsection 9(6); and the Education Act, section 266.3; O. Reg. 271/19: Proficiency in Mathematics under the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996; and the Public Service of Ontario Act (PSOA), 2006. This collection complies with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). EQAO takes all necessary precautions to safeguard personal information. For public reporting of student achievement results, EQAO uses depersonalized and aggregated information following the Information Privacy Commissioner Office’s De-Identification Guidelines for Structural Data. EQAO uses different techniques of de-identification to remove personal information from a record or dataset to protect student privacy and confidentiality.

  • Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary and Junior Divisions
  • Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics
  • Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
Where is this information stored?

Personal information (PI) is collected through the EQAO Student Data Collection system and the EQAO e-assessment system. These data are stored within Amazon Web Services (Amazon Cloud).

Legal Authority
Information Maintained
What type of personal information is maintained?

Information maintained for all student assessments

Student name (first and last), date of birth, gender, student Ontario Education Number (OEN), board or school-assigned student identification number, status of enrollment in public school system (last two years), primary residence in Ontario, status in Canada (Canadian citizen, permanent resident, refugee status, student visa, other visa), Indigenous self-identification, date entered school, date entered board, first language, birthplace outside Canada, time in Canada, refugee background, English- or French-language learner (ESL/ELD, ALF/PANA) status, IEP status, IPRC exceptionalities, status of accommodations and permissions1

Additional information maintained for primary- and junior-division assessments only

Grade; student type; information on students with unique and special circumstances such as home schooling and home instruction; information on the Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP); attendance in French immersion class; attendance in junior and senior kindergarten; use of special education alternative formats of the assessments; exemption to write assessments for reading, writing and/or mathematics; student responses to questions on the primary- and junior-division assessments

Additional information maintained for Grade 9 mathematics assessment only

Student type; information on students with unique and special circumstances (such as home-schooled students; adult students; mature students; e-learning students; independent study and independent learning centre students); information on the Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP); status of studying math in French immersion or extended French; special provisions; the student’s responses to questions on the Grade 9 math assessment

Additional information maintained for Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) only

Student type and information on students with unique and special circumstances (such as home-schooled; adult students; mature students; e-learning; independent study and independent learning centre students); information on the Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP); eligibility; level of study in language (academic, applied, locally developed course, ESL/ELD, other); date of first-time eligibility; grouping; homeroom; non-participation status (exempted, deferred, OSSLC); graduation status (year of the assessment); special provisions; the student’s responses to questions on the OSSLT

How is this personal information used?

Students, parents, guardians

  • Individual Student Report (ISR)

Schools, school boards and the Ministry of Education

  • Individual student data
  • Aggregated school, board and provincial reports and data

Researchers affiliated to educational institutions or hospitals

  • Individual student data is released to researchers affiliated with educational institutions or hospitals, ensuring fulfilment of the objects of the EQAO Act (1996) and the requirements of FIPPA (1990).

Who has access to this personal information?
  • EQAO staff (role-based access)
  • Third-party vendor staff providing assessment administration services (role-based access)
  • Role-based authorized staff in
    • school boards (for students in their respective board)
    • public, private, First Nations schools (for students within their respective schools)
    • the Ministry of Education (for all students)
  • Authorized researchers (for all students in accordance with their research needs)
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?
Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • Data required for reporting purposes reflected in the ISRs will be retained according to the following:
    • OSSLT/TPCL: for three school years after reporting; and
    • Grade 3 (P), Grade 6 (J) and Grade 9 (Grade 9): for one school year after reporting.
  • Data required for longitudinal internal and external research purposes (primary, junior, Grade 9 and OSSLT) as well as for cohort comparison is retained in-tandem-linked (linked through a common identifier) for a period of 25 years, measured from a student’s Grade 12 year, the year of the last formal chance to attempt the OSSLT/TPCL. This means that Grade 3 data will be retained for at least 34 years, Grade 6 data for at least 31 years, and Grade 9 data for at least 28 years. After these retention periods, the information may move to the archives.
  • After retention, the data may be moved to the archives (retention timeframes and disposition to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario).

  • Student Questionnaire (SQ)
  • Principal Questionnaire (PQ)
  • Teacher Questionnaire (TQ)
Where is this information stored?
Legal Authority
Information Maintained
What type of personal information is maintained?

Students’ responses to questions about their thoughts and feelings about learning and EQAO assessments are maintained. EQAO also collects students’ first name and last name, school name, board name, and assessment administered.

Information maintained for all principals in public schools and participating private and First Nations schools

Principals’ and educators’ responses to questions about their thoughts and feelings about their experiences with EQAO assessments and with working in Ontario public schools are maintained. EQAO also collects students’ first name and last name, school name, board name, and assessment administered.

Information maintained for all teachers in public schools and participating private and First Nations schools

Teachers’ responses to questions about their thoughts and feelings about their experiences with EQAO assessments and with teaching in Ontario public schools are maintained. EQAO also collects students’ first name and last name, school name, board name, and assessment administered.

How is this personal information used?
Who has access to this personal information?
  • EQAO staff (role-based access)
  • Third-party vendor staff providing assessment administration services (role-based access)
  • Role-based authorized staff in
    • school boards (for students in their respective board)
    • public, private, First Nations schools (for students within their respective schools)
    • the Ministry of Education (for all students)
  • Authorized researchers (for all students in accordance with their research needs)
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?
Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • Information from the three questionnaires is kept for 25 years.
  • After retention, the data may be moved to the archives (retention timeframes and disposition to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario).

  • International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICLS)—Only for Year 2012
  • Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP)
  • Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
  • Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)
  • Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
Where is this information stored?
Legal Authority
Information Maintained
What type of personal information is maintained?

Student name (first and last), date of birth, grade, Ministry-assigned Ontario Education Number (OEN), gender, ESL/ELD status, IEP status, IPRC exceptionality status

Additional information maintained for International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICLS) assessments only

Teacher year of birth, teacher gender

How is this personal information used?
  • school information forms
  • student listing forms
  • teacher listing forms
  • class listing form
Who has access to this personal information?
  • EQAO staff (role-based access)
  • The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), or their delegates (role-based)
  • Role-based authorized staff in
    • school boards (for students in their respective board)
    • public, private, First Nations schools (for students within their respective schools)
  • The Ministry of Education may access de-identified results from CMEC and/or organizations that oversee the assessments.
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?

PCAP: Students from participating public, private and First Nations schools offering Grade 8.

TIMSS: Students from participating public, private and First Nations schools offering Grades 4 and 8.

Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • After retention, the data may be destroyed
  • Retention timeframes and disposition are to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario

EQAO collects personal information on the Math Proficiency Test (MPT). All data, including personal information, that EQAO receives from the third-party vendor is de-identified for data validation and processing.

Where is this information stored?
Legal Authority
Information Maintained for the MPT
What type of personal information is maintained?
  • Registration and test: Application number, name, program, division, teaching subjects, and answers chosen by the test-taker are maintained. EQAO collects information from labour-mobility applicants, internationally educated applicants, transitional certificate holder applicants and any other applicants not falling under the categories previously mentioned.
  • Questionnaire: Age group; gender identity; sexual orientation; condition or disability (and its nature); racial identity; religion, creed or spirituality; indigeneity; language of communication (English, French or other)

The third-party vendor providing services to EQAO collects personal information from the following sources:

  • MPT website
    • Test applicants create an account that contains their personal and identifying information in order to register for the MPT and make an accommodation request (if applicable).
  • MPT e-assessment system
    • The system verifies machine-scored test-taker responses and reports successful submissions to the Ontario College of Teachers.
    • The system generates a test-taker unique attempt key to confirm to EQAO that a test was attempted. The test-taker data is de-identified.

Personal information accessed, collected and disclosed by the test centre:

  • The institution manager at each test centre should develop a privacy policy that addresses the collection of personal information from individuals registered for and taking the MPT.
  • Policies may follow the privacy policies of test centres with respect to large-scale assessments. A list of policy options may be provided to test administrators upon request. Personal information that may be collected by test administrators on behalf of a test centre includes the following:
    • test-taker first and last name
    • test session registration choice
    • test submission status
    • test-taker accommodation requirements
    • invigilator first and last name
    • accommodation coordinator first and last name

The test administrator collects personal information from the following sources:

  • MPT website
    • test session booked by the test applicant and any accommodation requests
  • MPT e-assessment system
    • test submission status
    • test responses
    • proportion of questions answered correctly
How is this personal information used?
Who has access to this personal information?
  • EQAO staff (role-based access)
  • Third-party vendor staff providing assessment (test) administration services (role-based access— qualified data professionals under a non-disclosure agreement); vendor providing systems, customer service and technical support; and test administrators
  • Staff from the Ontario College of Teachers, Ministry of Education and faculties of education
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?
Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • Retention of results
    • 10 years
    • Disposition: Destroy
  • Retention of PI in tests (including answers)
    • 10 years
    • Disposition: Destroy
  • After the retention period, the data is destroyed.
  • Retention timeframes and disposition are to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario

Where is this information stored?
Legal Authority
Information Maintained
What type of personal information is maintained?

Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, employment history (not external, just information on the current board and school), self-identifiers (Indigenous identity, gender identity, 2SLGBTQIA+ identity, racial identity and disability).

How is this personal information used?
  • to invite candidates (to committee member positions) who reflect the diversity of students in Ontario to ensure EQAO’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
  • to contact the Ontario College of Teachers (for both committee members and scorers)
Who has access to this personal information?
  • EQAO staff on a role-based access basis
  • Third-party vendor staff providing assessment administration services (role-based access)—name and e-mail address
  • Third-party vendor staff providing payroll and employment services (contact information)
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?
Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • Five (5) years, and then the personal information is destroyed
  • Retention timeframe and disposition to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario

Where is this information stored?
Legal Authority
Information Maintained
What type of personal information is maintained?

Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, bank account number, social insurance number (SIN)

Board members (related to the per diem payments)

Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, bank account number, SIN, employment insurance payment and EQAO per diem

Information collected from representatives of third-party vendors for financial purposes

Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, bank account number, business number, WSIB number, HST number

How is this personal information used?
  • Payroll services (when collecting PI from employees)
  • Invoice payment (when collecting PI from third-party vendors)
Who has access to this personal information?
  • EQAO employees (Finance team—role-based access)
  • Third-party vendor staff providing payroll and employment services
  • EQAO employees (Finance team—role-based access)
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?
Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • Eight (8) years, and then the personal information is destroyed
  • Retention timeframe and disposition to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario

Where is this information stored?
Legal Authority
Information Maintained
What type of personal information is maintained?

Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, employment and education history, banking information, tax information, emergency contact information, marital and family status information, date of birth, permanent resident card, permit to work in Canada, passport, allergies, pronouns, health information, photos, e-signatures

Information collected from representatives of third-party vendors (temp agency staff, BPS secondees, practicum students) for human resources purposes

Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, employment and education history, emergency contact information, date of birth, allergies, pronouns, photos, e-signatures

How is this personal information used?
Who has access to this personal information?
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?
Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • CCY (Current Calendar Year) + 50 years after termination of employee (employee file)
  • CCY + 6 years after position is staffed (recruitment)
  • Disposition: Destroy
  • Retention and disposition outlined in the Common Records Schedule

Where is this information stored?
Legal Authority
Information Maintained
What type of personal information is maintained?

These variables—e-mail, phone number, name (first and last name), OEN, mident, and school address—can be collected as part of EQAO’s services offered to our educational partners. The information is provided on a voluntary basis.

Information collected for the webzine from teachers and principals in public, private and First Nations schools; boards representatives; parents and guardians

Name (first and last), e-mail address

How is this personal information used?
  • to provide assessment-related information and to respond to inquiries received through EQAO’s call centre; and
  • to provide assessment-related information through EQAO’s webzine.
Who has access to this personal information?
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?
  • Teachers and principals in public, private and First Nations schools
  • Board representatives
  • Parents and guardians
Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • Retention of 10 Years
  • Disposition: Destroy
  • Retention and disposition to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario

Where is this information stored?
  • Personal information is collected at EQAO Outreach sessions (except video recordings) from board representatives; teachers and principals from public, private and First Nations schools; parents and guardians. These data are stored in the Ontario government GO-cloud database servers and are jointly maintained by the Ontario Cybersecurity Division, Infrastructure Technology Services, and EQAO IT and Business Services.
  • Attendance to video conferences are kept on Zoom servers.
Legal Authority
Information Maintained
What type of personal information is maintained?

Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, Zoom video recordings, attendance to video conferences

How is this personal information used?
Who has access to this personal information?
Individuals in Bank
Who is this personal information about?
  • Teachers, principals, school administrators in public, private and First Nations schools
  • Board representatives
  • Parents and guardians
Retention and Disposal
What are the policies and practices about retention and disposal of this personal information?
  • Information collected through Outreach sessions
    • Retention of 10 Years
    • Disposition: Destroy
    • Retention and disposition to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario
  • Zoom video recordings and list of attendees to video conferences
    • Retention of 1 Year after date of recording
    • Disposition: Destroy
    • Retention and disposition to be approved by the Archivist of Ontario

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