Infographics: Assessments

Find useful infographics on the subject of EQAO assessments.

At a Glance: EQAO Frameworks [PDF]

Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you key insights about the EQAO Frameworks.

Behind the Scenes of an EQAO Assessment: Questions, Questions, Questions! [PDF]

Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you insights into how questions are created for an online EQAO assessment.

At a Glance: Grade 3 Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics [PDF]

Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you key insights into the primary-division (Grade 3) assessment.

At a Glance: Grade 6 Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics [PDF]

Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you key insights into the junior-division (Grade 6) assessment.

At a Glance: Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics [PDF]

Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you key insights into the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics.

At a Glance: Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) [PDF]

Check out this handy infographic, designed to give you key insights into the OSSLT.

Understanding the provincial standard and the levels of achievement [PDF]

The Education Quality and Accountability Office’s (EQAO’s) assessments measure the literacy and mathematics skills that students are expected to have learned at specific times in their kindergarten to Grade 12 education.

Top Reasons Standardized Testing in Ontario and the United States Are Not Comparable [PDF]

People often liken EQAO’s provincial assessment program in Ontario to standardized testing in the United States. In reality, the two are very different. Here are some of the top reasons why.

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