EQAO Releases 2022–2023 School and Board Assessment Results


Students in English- and French-Language Schools


Following the release of the Education Quality and Accountability Office’s (EQAO’s) provincial data for its assessments administered during the 2022–2023 school year, EQAO is making its school- and board-level assessment results available today. These results showcase whether students are meeting the provincial standard in reading, writing and mathematics at key stages of their education. The results also provide additional insights into students’ attitudes and perceptions related to their learning.

The public release of EQAO’s 2022–2023 assessment results at the provincial and local levels marks the second year of the agency’s reporting on the results of its digitalized and modernized provincial assessments.

EQAO is reporting assessment data on its website through an individual school and school board search function and through the EQAO data reporting tool, a platform that leverages interactive and user-friendly dashboards that educators, parents and guardians and the public can access to view assessment and questionnaire data at the provincial and local levels.

EQAO’s evidence-based data can be analyzed by educators across the province as they review and develop strategies to support each student’s learning journey. By making contextual, attitudinal and achievement data for each school and school board available, the agency meets its mandate of contributing to the accountability of Ontario’s education system, and contributes to the ongoing conversation about student learning and achievement.

More than 580 000 students across the province completed EQAO assessments at the elementary and secondary levels of the English- and French-language school systems during the 2022–2023 school year.

“EQAO assessments in Ontario’s elementary and secondary schools in both the French- and English-language school systems help to foster accountability and support improvement in the province’s publicly funded education system by providing reliable and objective data on student learning. The agency’s data, along with other sources of information, are useful to educators and policy-makers as they seek and develop solutions to help all learners succeed.”

Photo of Cameron Montgomery, Chair

Cameron Montgomery

Chair – EQAO

“EQAO data on students’ achievement and learning contexts provide powerful insights that can help close learning gaps across the province. Focused information about student achievement and attitudes at school and board levels can support professional collaborative analysis and positive change for each student in the short and long terms, enhancing the skills of each learner as they progress on their education journey.”

Dan Koenig

Chief Executive Officer, EQAO

Sophie Auclair
Communications Officer

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